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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Houston, Texas

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HomeNL-2002-01 Newsletter

HCC Newsletter
January, 2002

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Houston Canoe Club Officer’s Meeting
Meeting Minutes
January 2, 2002
The meeting was called to order by Commodore Fraser Baker. Officers present included Recorder Marilyn Peery, Purser Kevin Casement, Newsletter Editor Donna Grimes, Fleet Captain Randall Nord and Governor Bill Grimes.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Fraser reported on correspondence received. The Houston Seminar, along with The Arboretum, is sponsoring a canoe trip and lecture on Buffalo Bayou. Kevin Casement agreed to coordinate HCC representation. He suggested that HCC get involved. Thank you letters were received from the Bayou Preservation Society for our $100 donation, from the American Red Cross for our past contributions, and from the TNRCC in appreciation for our letter on the San Marcos River Foundation grant request.

The January program at the general meeting will be Tom Olson, park guide at Sheldon Reservoir. He will discuss plans for park improvements.

Fraser will check with Cheryl Cleary about 2001 trip mileage. He will also check with Mark Andrus concerning our tax-exempt status for the newsletter printing. The 2001 IRS tax forms arrived and will be given to Mark.

Candy’s treasurer’s report was discussed. Fraser asked for a monthly cash flow report in 2002.

Donna reported that she, Martha Williams, Anne Olden, Tracy Caldwell want to remain on the membership committee. Dana Enos and Jim Berry will be replaced. She suggested that we have HCC brochures at the Arboretum open house. There will be renewal applications at the next meeting and members will be encouraged to renew their membership. She suggested that trip leaders be given applications for non-members who may join our trips. Fraser was asked to check the fees listed on our membership application on the net. The new membership committee will work on revising the new member’s packet.

Donna asked in the last newsletter for comments about receiving the newsletter on-line. She received only 12 responses, 6 for and 6 against. In her “From the Helm“ section, she wants to feature the following officers: Fraser in January, Jim Null in February, Randall Nord in March, Donna Grimes in April, Mark Andrus in May, Marilyn Peery in June, Kevin Casement in July, the 2002 Rendezvous chairman in August, and governors Candy Donahue and Bill Grimes in October and November. She will continue one bio per month and requested bios from Kevin and Randall.

Ways to cut newsletter costs were discussed. Ads, on-line newsletter and cutting the mailing list are possibilities. Ads could be done but It was felt on-line only newsletter is not feasible at this time. Some organizations will be cut from our list but we will continue sending newsletters to clubs in Texas.

Fraser suggested that the conservancy committee have a formal representation on the board of HCC. He will discuss the matter with John Bartos, current chair of the committee.

It was confirmed that the officers will meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM at the Red Cross.

Fraser read a letter from Charlie Wilson in response to our letter to the ACA to partner with us on the Rendezvous. They are interested in helping. It was decided that the task force committee should meet as soon as possible to discuss partnering and that the Rendezvous committee should also meet soon.

Randall Nord reported that he and Tracy Caldwell would like to organize a social/paddle at Stephen F. Austin Park on May 4-5. They would like the club to pay the $100 fee to reserve the group picnic area for 24 hours. They would ask participants to bring a side dish and kick in $5.00 for takeout BBQ.

The meeting was adjourned.

Marilyn Peery