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  The Houston Canoe Club
Share our Joy of Paddling!

P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club

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HomeNL-2016-01 Xmas Party

HCC Christmas Party
Dec. 12, 2015

On Saturday evening, December 12th, about 45 HCC members braved rainy road conditions to gather at First Colony Christian Church in Sugar Land for the annual Christmas Party.  Church member Bob Naeger, who arranged for use of the venue by HCC, stood in the rain by the road with an umbrella to wave members into the correct driveway.

The club provided turkey & ham, soft drinks, ice, plates and cutlery.  
Members contributed their own delicious pot luck side dishes, wines and punch.  For example, Cyndi Cannon brought deviled eggs, Fran Wilcox contributed a corn and black bean relish (salad), and Terri Herdlicka provided a sweet potato, brussels sprout casserole.  One of my favorites was the Wassei punch, made with spiced rum and cranberry juice, and served hot.
A pleasant two hours was spent yakking with friends, old and new.  Harmon had the projection equipment set up with his laptop computer to display paddling photos from the year on the wall.
At the end, the chairs were stacked in the corner, the kitchen cleaned, carpet vacuumed, and the banquet room left in spotless condition for the generous host church.  Harmon Everett carried out his last official act as club Commodore for the years 2013-2015 by carrying out the trash.

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Fraser Baker's photo album is here.
Honey Leveen's photos:
John Rich's photos:

---------------------------------------------  Party Organizers  -------------------------------------------- 
Harmon Everett    Honey Leveen    Bob Naeger    Frank Ohrt
P.S.  Cyndi Cannon lost a green wreath pin at the Christmas party.  If you found this at the church or in the parking lot, please contact her for its return.