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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club

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HomeNL-2015-09 New Webmaster

New Webmaster Introduction
Sept 1, 2015
John Rich
Vice Commodore Honey Leveen has recruited a new Webmaster, or rather, a new Webmistress, for the Houston Canoe Club, and her name is Jessica Quintanar Kuhn
Jessica    Sea kayaking
Jessica promises to bring our web site up to date with the latest standards, like making sure it is friendly for interaction with cell phones, to allow the public to easily view our web site on that popular media form.  Another of her first tasks will be to make our "Join HCC" web page more inviting and friendly, touting the benefits of club membership, instead of the current boring first page, full of legal mumbo-jumbo.
Jessica works as a geologist in the Oil and Gas industry. Her previous web experience comes from working on her personal web page during college, which was used to showcase her thesis at the University of Houston.  She has a MS degree in Geology from the University of Houston and a BS from the University of Alabama.  Jessica is single, and has two gorgeous dogs.  She has one year of paddling experience and already owns seven boats. Her newest baby is a Current Designs Slipstream.  Jessica is hoping she's the one. 
Be sure to welcome Jessica to the club when you see her at our meetings!

Webmistress recruiter, Honey Leveen