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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

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HomeNL-2013-05 2 Last Meeting Minutes

Last Meeting Minutes

April 10th, 2013
Bayland Park Community Center
Recorder: Tisha Matticks 

Commodore: Harmon Everett

The meeting was called to order by Commodore Harmon Everett at 7:04 P.M.

Harmon introduced all Board Members and briefly went over the evening’s program.

Safety Minute:

Harmon shared his safety minutes with the group: The importance of making sure that Trip Leaders and other paddlers are aware of any medical condition that can affect a paddle trip. He shared some facial symptoms, speech slurs, etc. that a paddler may display just before a stroke.

Frazier Baker offered suggestions as to how one may assist a diabetic while paddling.

And a reminder; if anyone in the group would like to share their safety tips, please address the board.

Vice Commodore: Philip Matticks 
Philip Matticks introduced tonight’s guest speaker; Jay Daniel of the Texas Canoe & Kayak Racing Association, and he is also on the Board of the Texas Water Safari.

We make every effort to show our appreciation to our guest by way of a gift on behalf of HCC. Jay was presented with an autographed book signed by our very own HCC member and author, Natalie Wiest.

Recorder: Tisha Matticks

A reminder as to where the minutes are posted (HCC Newsletter) and a brief discussion of what took place during our last General Meeting. Motion was passed to accept the minutes.

Conservation: John Bartos
No undated report.

Fleet Captain: Dave Kitson
Shared with us some of the several Trip Reports:
• San Marcos Clean Up
• Regatta Race
• Trash Bash at Texas Wide Rivers & Bayou’s
• Colorado Loop

Webmaster: Greg Walker
New features to the Web.

Financial Report-Treasurer: Bob Naeger

So far we are remaining on budget and everything looks good, and proper tax forms are being filed. Incoming post office mail is being addressed.

Boatswain: Honey Leveen
We had a great meeting turnout; with several new members and guests. We now have two couples named Baker. It really is nice to see that HCC is attracting different generations. Some are kayaker’s and some are canoeists. WELCOME YA’LL!!!

Newsletter: John Rich 
A reminder to share stories and pictures with our News Editor.

Upcoming Paddle Trips Discussed: 
• Demo Paddle with ACK (April 06)
• Beginners & Level 2 Training at Higaldo Falls-TRPA (April 20)
• Buffalo River - Ken Anderson & other HCC members (Full)
• Spring Fling (April 27 & 28)
• Lake Charlotte - Matticks’ (April 27)
• Sabine Annual Labor Day Weekend - Matticks’ (May 25, 26 & 27)
• Woods Project (June)
• Summer Fling (Mid July)
• Sabine Annual Memorial Weekend (September)
• October Paddle Fest (October)
• Week of Rivers; Lakes of North Carolina

Open Discussion:
John Ohrt & Terry Herdlicka shared their awards with the group for our viewing. An award that was well deserved to them both upon winning the Buffalo Bayou Regatta Race in their classification.

And as a reminder to all members each month for an early dinner or later dinner; Several people joined Honey Leveen and her husband for an early dinner before the meeting. Several people will also get together for an after-the-meeting dinner at Jax’s Grill.

Meeting called to a close: 1:58 minutes

“Remember, Think Safe, Paddle Safe”

Recorder, Tisha Matticks