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  The Houston Canoe Club
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P.O. Box 925516
Houston, Texas

The Houston Canoe Club 

is a Paddlesports Risk Management Club

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HCC General Forum

HASK Meeting - Featured Speaker from the Bayou Lan...
Kent Walters

Hello fellow paddlers.

HASK has the Summertime Blues to such an extent that this Thursday's meeting will have a very low attendance, and we are opening it up to as many as would like to come and enjoy a great dinner and speaker.  Of course, the general meetings are always open to whoever wants to come, but we would especially like to see some of you this Thursday to support our speaker, Suzanne Simpson, Land Stewardship Director of the Bayou Land Conservancy.  She will be speaking on “Preserving Houston’s Little Thicket”. The ecology of the Gulf Coastal Plain has been historically undervalued, but recently this area has been recognized as a global biodiversity hotspot.  She will cover WHY the Gulf Coastal Plain is important, WHAT is being done to conserve it, and HOW individuals can support these efforts.

Here are the details:

Theo's Greek Restaurant
812 Westheimer Rd
Houston, TX  77006

6:00-7:00 - Dinner and social hour
7:00-7:45 - Safety, Trip reports, Club Admin
7:45-9:00 - Program / Featured Speaker

Please join us if you can.

Best Regards,
Kent Walters

Hello Everyone.

You may have noticed that it's wet outside today.  Normally that's a good thing for our addiction, but today we have too much of a good thing, and we are cancelling the HASK meeting that was scheduled for tonight. 

Please note that we have rescheduled Suzanne for next Thursday, same time, same place, and you are all invited.

Best Regards,
Kent Walters
Gentle Reminder:

HASK Meeting tomorrow night, 6-ish to 9-ish at Theo's Greek restaurant on Westheimer near Montrose - starts with dinner and socializing, then business, trip reports and a safety presentation, followed by our featured speaker Suzanne Simpson of the Bayou Land Conservancy letting us in on the secrets of the Gulf Coastal Plain where we find ourselves pretty often.

Best Regards,
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