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  The Houston Canoe Club
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Houston, Texas

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HCC Paddling Forum

Boat Repair
Bruce Bodson
Looking for recommendations for fiberglass boat repair.  Anyone have a suggestion?

"He who hears the rippling of rivers in these degenerate days will not utterly despair." H.D. Thoreau
I usually do my own repairs. I use fiberglass cloth and epoxy resin which I usually get from West Marine. I work on the boat outside or in the garage with the door open. I wear disposable gloves and use a polyethylene measuring cup to mix the epoxy. West Marine has a booklet about how to fiberglass. I can answer questions at my cell number 979-285-5891. Fiberglassing works well on composite (fiberglass and Kelvar boats but it is hard to get it to stick to polyethylene which is only possible if a torch is used to treat the surface. It is also possible to get pre-assembled grundge pad kits for the stems of boats. They are available from REI and Pirigas and probably also NOC, NRS and CKS. Epoxy resin is better than polyester and vinylester resins.

I might be doing a meeting presentation in the near future about boat repair and maintenance using the same method of presentation Duane of TG Canoe Livery used in a long ago Rendezvous workshop. He showed the materials and talked about how to use them. He did not open the liquids during the presentation and neither will I. If you want someone else to fiberglass the boat, TG Livery does boat work but they are located in Martindale. Another possibility is using someone commercial who works on sail and power boats. 
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