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Buffalo National River - Ponca to Mt. Hersey
Kent Walters
Hi everyone.

I have been thinking about a shorter version of the May trip to BNR on a different segment, and was wondering how much interest there would be.  This would have a plan similar to the Boquillas Canyon trip - 3 days, 2 nights on the trip with a day of travel before and after, so a 5-day commitment over a weekend (3 work days for those so occupied).  I am looking at the middle of the month, April 15, 16 and 17 on the water.  There would be a slight variation to the Boquillas structure in that the first paddling day we could leverage our camp set-up with a self-shuttle and run "empty-boat" from Ponca to Kyle's landing, camp, then pack our boats for the Kyle's Landing to Mt. Hersey section.  I was thinking of leaving my truck, and ,depending on how much interest I drum up, perhaps another vehicle at the outfitters for the shuttle from Mt. Hersey.

For those who have not been on this stretch, it is gorgeous and green in the spring time, with the river forming a channel between huge, grey rocks.  The water is more clear than our Texas rivers, except the San Marcos near the spring.  Standing waves and rocks are bigger and more prevalent than in the Boquillas Canyon experience, so I would want people to wear helmets in addition to the normally required PFDs.

For now I am testing the waters, so if you think you would have the time and desire to do this with me, please let me know.

Best Regards,
hello Everyone... again,

To anyone who has not done the Buffalo River, there are 2.... not just one but TWO possible trips this Spring to the BNR;
it is definitely a trip of a lifetime, ok so it's not the Yukon but it is awesome.  Spring is when you need to get as over the summer there might not be enough water to float, and then that would be a drag...
Kent Walters
This trip is a GO and has now been posted to the Events Calendar.  Please note that if you are interested, you may want to show your enthusiasm quickly because it is likely to fill up fast!  Registration is the only way to get on the list.

Best Regards,
Kent Walters
Hello Everyone.

Just a quick announcement that we have had one withdrawal from our trip, leaving a total of two slots for anyone who would like to join us.  I have added another segment and made the start time flexible for people who might not be able to spare 6 whole days for travel and recreation.  In summary, you can show up Friday morning, Saturday morning or Sunday morning.  Obviously, the 10-hour drive is best handled the day before, so be sure to tack that on to your plans, unless you have somehow acquired Star Trek's transporter beam.  So minimum time would be Saturday drive/camp, Sunday paddle/camp, Monday paddle/camp, Tuesday drive home.

For those who can start on Friday morning and stay the whole time, if plans hold, total mileage will be 47.7.  Starting Sunday and coming out Monday will net you 31 miles.

Best Regards,
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